In 1847 a disatrous blight ruined the potato crops in Ireland. The potato, an import into Europe from the Americas, had grown into enormous importance as a primary part of the diet of rural people.

The west of Ireland where Galway is located was especially hard hit. The region had experienced over- population before the famine, ironically in part due to the increased food supply created by the potato. Riots broke out as starving families attempted to find food.

The British government, which held Ireland as a colony, responded with utter neglect. The Great Famine led to death by starvation and disease of untold thousands of Irish peasants. Millions more left their homes and emigrated around the world in the Irish Disapora.

The Landscape of the Irish Famine of 1847-48.
Galway Potato Riots, Ireland, 1847. Illustrated News, London.
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