A Proposal: Page Nine
I intend to photograph this project in the fall and winter of 2000. I hope to see the land covered with crops and the autumn harvest. I anticipate the dramatic skies and brilliant light of the last three months of the year.

I especially look forward to the gradual revealing of the built environment upon the land as the crops are harvested and the underlying shapes become clear. Though the texture and grain of the landscape and its built environment are important, I am deeply interested in the visual gesture of the grand sweep of the land. In that respect I believe I can see the landscape in its more enduring form: The landscape of the 21st century.

The photography will be done with 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 cameras on both black and white and color negative materials. I have accomplished much of my work using two discreet but similar techniques: pan chromatic black and white materials developed in "pyro," a staining developer widely employed until the 1940s for its ability to control and render contrast; near infrared films developed with Agfa Rodinal. The infrared film that I use requires red filtration though it is not a true infrared, its spectral sensitivity is closer to traditional pan chromatic films. High speed color negative films are employed on occasion with the processing and printing done in my darkroom. Additionally, the color prints are hand finished with both wet and dry dyes. The prints will be 16 x 20 inches.

The exhibit will be mounted at the University Museum at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.

D. Gorton
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